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June 23, 2022
by: Benjamin Petrakis

Employ A Tracker

24/7 Labor for Life, and Trackers wear several hats

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Looking to gain an advantage while the cost of everything is rising? Employ a Tracker. Before you say we don’t have the capital right now and carry on to find new hires, let me explain the roles and duties they assume.

A Tracker plays several different roles in your business. They walk around with a stopwatch to all your machines and record cycle times accurate to the 1,000th of a second; kudos for that accuracy. They send real-time email and text alerts to the personnel on staff for anything worthy of being notified about. They crunch the numbers to tell you if a job is going to finish on time, when the estimated end time is, how much material a job will require, what the current part count is and many other stats. They input all the data from every machine and job into an Access Database every five minutes. They send all your machine data up to the cloud so you can see it from anywhere in the world on your mobile devices. They can produce reports as quick as you can tell them what you want the report on. All the while keeping you informed, in real time of each machines cycle status in a quick-reference color-coded format.

They do this 24/7 for as long as you keep them employed. Tracker’s do not require any time off or sick days and will never search for employment anywhere else, they are very loyal. There are no benefits or 401K required and they have 30+ years experience in the plastics manufacturing industry. What would that employee be worth?

$10,000 will get a Tracker to run between up to 16 machines, and $15,500 will get a Tracker capable of running between up to 48 machines – those are one-time payments, not an annual salary. You can have as many employed as you have the need for. They are very small and never seen on the shop floor, so OSHA and the Fire Marshall cannot count them against you as present bodies and they will not get in the way of other employees. Trackers can also be taught new skills and we pick up the tab on their education for life.

We have several Trackers seeking employment today and can have them on your doorstep in 2 days with their steel toe boots on ready to work. Give us a call today! (833) 232-7832

Affordable production monitoring system price
tracker production monitoring system compatability